Most read on Seeker in August 2012

What an amazing number of insects are feeding on these thistles. When I took the photo I only saw one - a butterfly.

Sometimes I think I'm wasting time writing a blog. Then I discover some people are reading it regularly and that encourages me to continue. But even if only one comes here I think I'd keep writing because I enjoy it.

I try to not to check this blog's statistics too often, but it is useful to do so from time to time to see what gets read most. Sometimes this is a surprise.

I've just looked back at the overview for the last month. Here's some results (without any numbers!) 

Of the 12 posts published on Seeker last month here are the the 5 most read during August 2012

Should your Bible be visible? About carrying Bibles (or 50 Shades of Grey) in public.

Assuming too much? I struggle with Roman Catholic dogma about the 'assumption' of the blessed virgin Mary.

Bread of life - about bread that feeds deepest needs

Piety on the bus - a cautionary story about praying in public

Running for Joy - an inspiring story about an Olympic athlete

Of the 354 posts published since May 2009 on Seeker, here are the 5 most read during August 2012

How to strengthen your faith in which I suggest this needs food, exercise and rest.

Should your Bible be visible?  Why carry a Bible when there's an app for that?

What we British really mean laughs at the way what we British say is not always what we mean or others understand.

Girls and boys is about my irritation with language intended to belittle adult women and men.

World Cup Fever in which I declare I have absolutely no interest in football.
