Truth Matters

It's very hard to distill what's true and what isn't from reports in the media, which of course are always 2nd hand sources and given whatever spin the author/editor wants to give it. I think truth does matter which is why this post has a photo of the flower called 'Honesty'.

This post is a follow up to Fostering Matters in which I vented my disquiet at inaccurate and biased reporting of the High Court judgement on 28 February concerning an issue with Derby County Council and a couple applying to become respite foster carers.
Here is the primary (and reliable) source for the full judgement.

I'm really pleased that the Evangelical Alliance has issued a press statement reinforcing the fact that it is not true that Christians are being prevented from fostering or adopting children. Andrew Brown from the Guardian has some interesting comments about Christians realizing that the law means what it says it means and judges have no power to overturn it. Political campaigns are the appropriate way to change law.

Yesterday I mentioned the response worth reading by Ekklesia.

Since then I've seen that Gavin Drake has written an excellent post about this 'Misplaced Outrage Over High Court 'Ban' on Christian Foster Parents'.


  1. The Ekklesia article was really superb. Thanks for linking to it.

  2. Yes, I thought so too. Thanks to you and Ekklesia.


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