Friday Five

Photo by woodleywonderworks

Here's a list of links to stuff worth reading in relation to reaction this week to Osama bin Laden's killing.

Love your Enemies, a post on the blog of 'The Rev and a Dog' has helpful quotes from Martin Luther King on why we should love our enemies and from the Vatican spokesperson a call to reflect on the "serious responsibilities of each person before God and men".

Simon Barrow's blog on 'Ekklesia' has a thoughtful post 'Rejoice? Bin Laden and the Cycle of Violence'

The Archbishop of Canterbury gave a succint answer to a question about whether the killing of Osama Bin Laden was justice for 9/11 and other attacks.

Krish Kandiah, in a post entitled 'Bin Laden is dead: how should we feel?' gave his early reactions under the headings: weep? celebrate? pray? work?

Yesterday, Mark Mardell, from the BBC asked 'Bin Laden Death: Can the Us find closure over 9/11?'

PS. This is really number 6, but my first reaction was  'Can you kill ideas?'


  1. Note also "spot the difference" on images of the reactions:

  2. Richard - The juxtapostion of the two images in your post is very telling. I'm now struggling with how to relate all these things to this next Sunday's gospel - the Emmaus Road story. Any good ideas?


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