Digital Immigrant

I'm definitely not a fan of the media magnate Rupert Murdoch, but I rather like this quote and the way that it's illustrated in this image by Lynette. Those of us old enough to be born before home PCs, mobile phones, social networking et al are not digital natives in the way our children and grandchildren are. I became a digital immigrant about 20 years ago and have been desparately trying to catch up ever since. I think I've begun to assimilate, but as soon as I think I have the culture and technology  moves on. That's life. On the other hand the problem with too much emphasis on assimilation is loss of diversity, the homogenization of culture. (Rupert Murdoch's empire telling us what to think?)

One excellent example (and there are many more) of maintaining a distinct identiy in the virtual world is the blog of a Benedictine community in the UK. To find nuns, who largely inhabit a world of silent prayer, regularly blogging (and also not posting when there's nothing to say) is so refreshing. Digitalnun recently posted an interesting piece on Prayer in a Digital Age and the move from 'diplay mode' to 'immersion mode'. She writes:
"At the moment we are all locked into display mode. We set out our resources online and do our best to proclaim the truths we live by in as attractive and responsible a manner we can. But no matter how many glitzy add-ons we may try – edgy videos, livestreaming worship, interactive webconferencing, snazzy little smartphone apps – we are still essentially proclaiming, and I trust you’ll forgive me if I say it is all rather noisy. It is also a little bit seductive. We can get sidetracked by the technology and end up a long way from where we want to be."

I'm looking forward to what might follow on this theme.


  1. Very interesting. Oxford had a conference on this subject--citizens of the web versus visitors. I am definitely a citizen--it's scarily entwined with my day.
    Yes, I was referring to the Josephine Butler quotations.


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