Green Beans from Egypt?
My gut feeling tells me that's the right thing to do for the sake of the planet.
If I buy green beans in winter for example - which I sometimes do - I feel guilty. Should I?
Today the Christian Aid 'Count Your Blessings' calendar tells me
"COC Bless in Egypt has trained farmers to grow green beans for export to Europe, earning them five times the local market price."If this means that poor farmers can make a living wage I can see that's good in the short term, but what about other unintended consequences of this? I've no time to consider that further today. I'd welcome your comments.
Christian Aid is suggesting giving 10p for any fruit or vegetable you bought this week that was not grown in Britain. I can't help feeling this is a fine for doing a 'bad' thing i.e. not using local suppliers. Or is it meant to be a gift in gratitude that I can afford and have access to fruit and vegetable from all over the world at any time of year?
There are so many conflicting ethical considerations here. What do your think?
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