Women Bishops: hanging on in there

This tea towel is 20 years old, so has probably been hung out to dry often. 

Wrung out and hung out to dry is how many men and women in the Church of England have been feeling in recent days.

If ever there was a time for 'hanging on in there' this is it.

We are in a mess, but we're not as helpless as this tea towel.

We are being stirred up in reaction to a crisis. May we be stirred up to actions of love, peace and justice.

Here are some links to posts that have encouraged me to 'hang on in there':

And then there is the very interesting development that Frank Field MP has tabled a Private Members Bill in the House of Commons - Equality Act 2010 (amendment) 2012-2013 to amend the Equality Act (2010)to remove the discrimination against women in relation to consecration of bishops in the Church of England; and for connected purposes.

Interesting and challenging times!

Image Credit: Photo by Anne Borrowdale, used with permission.
