3rd Sunday of Advent 2012

"What then should we do?"

This is the question that the crowds asked John the Baptist as they saw the need for things to change in the face of coming judgement.

It is a question we need to keep asking. In the face of all that's wrong in the world and in our own lives, what should we do? In the face of continuing wars, devastating natural and human-made disasters, what should we do? In the face of apparently senseless slaughter of little children and adults in Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut, USA, what should we do? In the face of so much suffering in the world, what should we do?

It's the 3rd Sunday of Advent, sometimes called Rejoicing Sunday because at least one of the Bible readings today gives reasons for joy. But how can you be joyful when grieving? Joy is not always present. Isn't it sometimes more important to weep with those who weep? 

Bonnie Harr posted a prayer on Light for the Journey's Facebook Page yesterday, especially for those grieving in Connecticut, USA, but of help to many others I think. Here it is:
We are broken hearted... 
we are on pins and needles... 
Our minds cannot embrace 
this evil in our world. 
And so, we give the children 
into your tender care, 
and ask that you visit us 
anew, to save us, 
for we are crushed in spirit. 
Come, O Come Emmanuel. 
Weep with us here, in this 
darkness, then teach us 
of resurrection power and 
life beyond tatters and shatters. 
