Under the fig tree
We sat under the fig tree,
studying holy scripts,
searching their meaning,
debating under our fig tree.
We sat under the fig tree,
sharing our questions,
sitting at the rabbi's feet,
pondering under our fig tree.
We sat under the fig tree,
looking up to the light
filtering through leaves and fruit,
searching under our fig tree.
We sat under the fig tree,
listening to prophets
speaking to minds and hearts
praying under our fig tree.
We sat under the fig tree,
needing an epiphany
seeing Jacob-like heaven opened,
moving-angels under our fig tree.
I sat under the fig tree,
hearing an impelling call
urging me to 'come and see',
finding me under our fig tree.
Thoughts inspired by call of Nathaniel from John 1: 43 - 51
Image Credit: Flickr, CC License
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