
In the busy season of Advent it can be hard to take time out to do nothing.

It can be hard to make space to concentrate on an activity that brings you peace and joy.

The boy in this picture is keeping quiet and still. His focus is on his fishing line and especially its end where he hopes the fish will bite.

Whether this is work or play for the boy in the picture, he seems to have a clear focus. He is waiting and watchful. He seems to do nothing, but waiting and remaining attentive is not idleness. He is focused, prepared and ready to act at any time, not knowing if that will be sooner or later.

The Advent Word for today is 'Focus'. The brief meditation that accompanies it in the global Advent Calendar I am following this year is this:

"Imagine the lenses in your glasses get accidentally switched – everything is out of FOCUS; blurry. 
Today, be still and take time to FOCUS. You will see what you have never seen."

The Psalmist sings,
'Be still and know that I am God'. (Psalm 46: 10)
In a previous post 'On Being Still' I wrote a meditation on that verse. Here it is:

Be still in this present moment.
Don't look for anything,
just look in this present moment.

Be still in this present moment.
Don't listen for anything,
just listen in this present moment.

Be still in this present moment.
Don't try to achieve anything,
just be in this present moment.

In your stillness,
looking, listening and being
in this present moment,
know God is with you,
in you and around you
in this present moment.

Image Credit: Public domain photos
