Advent Word: Harmony
Harmony is the word for Day 12 in the Advent Calendar I am following. And today is polling day in the UK General Election.
The various election campaigns have been anything but harmonious. People in the UK are deeply divided on many political issues, not least Brexit. And whatever the final result of this General Election, it will not act like a magic wand to immediately heal divisions and create #harmony between people of widely differing situations and political ideologies.
The word harmony makes me think of music. A melody, sung or played by an individual or group in unison, may be beautiful, but for me it is harmony in music that I love most. There is nothing like an orchestra or band with a variety of instruments playing different notes that all work together. Or a choir of different voices singing in harmony of 4 parts or more. That is, of course, if they are all playing or singing their separate parts in tune, on beat and in line with the composer's and conductor's instructions.
There are certain essentials for creating harmony, whether that is in music or in society. To list them all would take too long, but my list would certainly include:
The various election campaigns have been anything but harmonious. People in the UK are deeply divided on many political issues, not least Brexit. And whatever the final result of this General Election, it will not act like a magic wand to immediately heal divisions and create #harmony between people of widely differing situations and political ideologies.
The word harmony makes me think of music. A melody, sung or played by an individual or group in unison, may be beautiful, but for me it is harmony in music that I love most. There is nothing like an orchestra or band with a variety of instruments playing different notes that all work together. Or a choir of different voices singing in harmony of 4 parts or more. That is, of course, if they are all playing or singing their separate parts in tune, on beat and in line with the composer's and conductor's instructions.
There are certain essentials for creating harmony, whether that is in music or in society. To list them all would take too long, but my list would certainly include:
- listening to others
- working together
- learning from mistakes
- recognising when to be silent, or quiet, or loud.
So, what has all this got to do with Advent? Advent is a time when Christians prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ into our disharmonious world. Christ comes with good news of reconciliation and peace, with God and one another. Whatever the result of the UK General Election this Advent, it is worth trying to follow this advice of St Paul:
"Live in harmony with one another:
do not be haughty , but associate with the lowly;
do not claim to be wiser than you are.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil,
but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.
If it is possible, so far as it depends on you,
live peaceably with all."
Romans 12: 16 - 18 NRSV
Image Credit: geralt on Pixabay, Creative Commons License
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