Ascension Day 2020

Today is Ascension Day, a Christian celebration of Christ's ascension into heaven. Ascension is a mystery. In one sense Christ leaves this world. He is also given to us. Not confined to 1 place, Christ is in heaven at the heart of all things, accessible to all who seek him. Christ took our humanity into heaven. In the Ascension, Christ’s glory is both revealed and concealed. 

In a world where weapons, wealth, winning elections or controlling the media means power, it’s not surprising many see as ridiculous the Christian claim that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. We Christians claim that the most powerful are as nothing compared to the cosmic King Jesus.

To celebrate Jesus’ Ascension is a daring act of faith. It’s audacious to claim that the son of a young Jewish girl, born more than 2,000 years ago and executed on a cross, is alive and now reigns over all. We’re not simply saying Jesus’ teaching influences us. We’re saying Jesus is both human and divine, seated in the place of greatest power at God’s right hand.

Jesus attracted mostly powerless folllowers, some of whom met him after his resurrection. Even the Ascension, the crowning moment of His work was a hidden act. The disciples saw it, but most people didn’t. 

Christian faith points beyond the world’s boundaries, beyond fears about Covid-19 and its effects, beyond arguments about the best way to control a pandemic. We live in a time of fake news, when winning a moral debate often means no more than out-shouting your opponent. We live in a time when many have lost touch with the purpose of life as God intended. Perhaps one of the good things about living in lockdown because of a virus, is discovering what really matters most in life.

For those who believe that Jesus is Lord and King, the challenge is making that belief real by how we treat one another, how we treat everything else in our lives. The power of Jesus is not power as the world sees it. It is seen more in quiet, humble acts of kindness that change lives.

The Ascension marked the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Jesus gives to his followers the responsibility to continue his kingdom work, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Only through the Holy Spirit can we understand who Christ is, that salvation comes through Christ alone. Not in political leaders or parties. Not in governments. There is so much that is wrong in our world, but I believe that ultimately God’s kingdom of justice, joy, love and peace will come. It is already present, but not yet fully realized. So meanwhile we go on praying 'Your Kingdom come" and helping to make that a reality by how we choose to live and love.

There is a wonderful sonnet for Ascension written by the priest/poet/ Malcolm Guite. You can listen to it through his blog post 'A Sonnet for Ascension Day' or read it reproduced below.

Ascension: Malcolm Guite

We saw his light break through the cloud of glory

Whilst we were rooted still in time and place

As earth became a part of Heaven’s story

And heaven opened to his human face.

We saw him go and yet we were not parted

He took us with him to the heart of things

The heart that broke for all the broken-hearted

Is whole and Heaven-centred now, and sings,

Sings in the strength that rises out of weakness,

Sings through the clouds that veil him from our sight,

Whilst we ourselves become his clouds of witness

And sing the waning darkness into light,

His light in us, and ours in him concealed,

Which all creation waits to see revealed.


  1. Wow! That's a blessing to the soul. Thank you so much, Nancy 😁

    1. Thank you for commenting. I am sorry for my delay in replying. I am glad you found this post a blessing to the soul. Malcolm Guite's poetry is frequently a blessing to me. He has published several collections of his poems in book form. I recommend them, especially 'Sounding the Seasons' which takes you through the church year.


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