Rest for the Weary

Going through many weeks of lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic has been a challenge. For many it has been an exhausting time. It has meant more work or more stressful work for some. For others, the exhaustion has come from worry or grief about losing a loved one, a livelihood, a way of life that no longer works. And for everyone there is so much about the future that is confusing or unknown. And many of us are fearful.

Do you feel worn out and burdened by it all? You know you have to keep going, but the challenges of the immediate future are daunting. That can feel like standing at a rock face you have to climb. You have no idea how. The need for a novice climber is a skilled coach to come alongside, rope himself to you to tackle the climb together. He shows the way, understands your fears and limitations, guides you over tricky bits and holds you if you slip. He says, ‘Relax, together we can do this’.

In Matthew 11: 28 - 30 Jesus invites the “weary and burdened” to come to him for rest. It isn’t a ‘come to me for an easy life’ offer. It is coupled with another invitation,
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
As Jesus said that, did he watch a team of oxen pulling a plough or cart of heavy goods? And did he see a young ox yoked with one more experienced, to learn step by step how to do the work? And did he see on their shoulders a double yoke that fitted each well?

I love the legend that imagines that in Jesus’ early years as a carpenter he was a master yoke-maker. How, when a customer came to Jesus with an ox team, Jesus would measure the animals carefully. When the customer returned with the oxen a few days later, Jesus would place the new yoke over the animals’ shoulders, to make the finer adjustments to ensure a smooth fit that wouldn’t chafe.

Jesus invites you to take on his custom-made well-fitting yoke, a yoke that is kind, not harsh. Jesus is the yoke partner. Jesus invites you to work with him and learn from his example and teaching. Yoked to Jesus is to know Jesus is always alongside. When you are too weak to take the strain, Jesus takes it. Like the climbing coach he will go at your pace to see you through the challenges. Walking with him, Jesus will teach you to keep in step with him, following his lead, going where he goes. In that way of humble gentleness, Jesus gives the freedom to rest in God’s grace, even when the going is tough.

Years ago a picked up a card in a church I was visiting. The author of its message was not mentioned. Let me know if you know who wrote these words:

Job Share

The yoke is easy,
but it's still a yoke, smooth-shaped for work.
We chafe and struggle;longing to be free,
yet double-yoked with Christ who takes the strain,
the burden is not less, but light,
weight redistributed for ease.
