Going quietly off-piste

Thanks to a tweep from Ship of Fools I discovered that today 28 May some people commemorate Bernard of Menthon , 'patron saint of skiers' (among many other patronages attributed to this 10th century Swiss saint. Ship of Fools suggests celebrating the day by 'going quietly off piste'. That seems like a good idea. I need time to go quietly off-piste and I am on 'sabbatical'. Off-piste today will have to be the garden - the weeds are calling me. While I work there with not a mountain or ski-slope in sight, I can dream about my summer holiday still to come in the Austrian Alps. After all, St Bernard is also said to be patron saint of the alps and hikers (and snow-boarders, mountaineers etc.) My other half and I will be hiking - gently - and watching the summer skiers on the Stubai glacier now that our ski-ing days are over. Meanwhile, weeds watch out - here I come!