5 ways to destroy someone's reputation

A post about public reputation on iBenedictine's blog yesterday got me thinking about how easily someone's good name may be destroyed by unfounded rumours or distorted facts. Here's 5 ways to destroy someone's reputation: Believe what you're told without questioning who's saying it, why and on what evidence. Pass on what you've heard 'in confidence' to a few people. Add a few thoughts from your own ignorance, prejudices, jealousies etc. Use social media to pass on rumours or allegations: tweet, retweet, post on Facebook, blog etc. Do nothing to challenge what others are saying when you know the truth is being distorted. Easy isn't it? It's always been easy, but with today's communication systems the damage can happen quicker and affect more people. Public figures are particularly vulnerable. I am certainly not saying that people in the public eye should not be accountable for their words and actions. They s...