What is believing? Is it hearing, seeing or doing?

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter. The gospel readings on the Sundays of the Easter season focus on the various ways Jesus' disciples encountered him after his death and resurrection. Today the focus is on an appearance to the disciples in an upper room where the disciples were hiding for fear behind locked doors. The gospel reading is John 20: 19 - 31 . I wrote about this for the Big Bible Project a couple of years ago. Here is what I wrote: "The Bible reading is John 20: 19 – 31 . It begins with the risen Jesus meeting his disciples in an upper room, breathing the Holy Spirit on them and commissioning them for mission. It ends with Thomas’s declaration of faith and a restatement of the purpose of John’s gospel – that you may believe in Jesus and find Life. I’m interrupting my series on ‘Women of the Gospels’ because I’ve been asked to post on this reading. No woman is mentioned. Does this mean no women were present? I think women probably were present. It’s wo...