Should Christians obey Mary, Mother of Jesus?

Should Christians obey Mary, mother of Jesus? I ask that today because it is the festival of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Some Christians may raise hands in horror at the idea of obeying Mary. Many years ago I was stopped in my tracks by something I read about Mary. I think it was in a book by John Gunstone, an Anglo-Catholic priest in the Church of England. When asked about his attitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary, he replied, "I obey her" . I found this shocking, until I understood what he meant. This was a reference to the only instruction Mary gave that is recorded in the gospels. She was at a wedding in Cana with her son Jesus when the wine ran out - a social disaster (See John 2: 1 - 11) . Mary instructed the servants, "Do whatever he (Jesus) tells you." And they did. Water became wine as the first John's gospel's signs revealing Jesus' glory. What Jesus told the servants to do at that wedding was simple - fill up water jars, draw som...