St George's Day

I have never been able to get excited about St George's Day, which is today. It's not even a national holiday in England, as it is in some other places that have him as their patron saint. If we have to have a patron saint in England I would prefer it to be a saint who was either English or at least lived once in England, like St Aidan for example. Yes, I know Aidan was really Irish and once lived in Scotland, but he did live for a substantial time in Northumberland, England. And he was peace loving, which I would really like England to be. Yes, Aidan gets my vote for a national saint, rather than George. Aidan did a lot for England. George did nothing. It was during the Reformation period in England that in 1552 all saints' banners were abolished, except that of St George the Martyr. From my garden today I can see the St George flag flying from the top of the parish church tower. With its white background and red cross it looks good against a blue sky, but I still ...