What is hope?

What is hope? If you are looking for a dictionary definition of hope, you won't find it here. What you will find are ideas about hope that have helped me recently. I chose this image from October 2016 of a Syrian refugee child in Istanbul, Turkey, to illustrate hope. I love the hopeful expression on her face. I wonder what this child hopes for? A child is for me a sign of hope, of new life-enhancing possibilities, even in the middle of desparate situations. 'Hope' is an important word and theme of the Advent season . This year hope feels especially needed when so much has happened in 2016 to increase a sense of despair in many people. On the 1st Sunday of Advent this year I wrote about Entering Advent with Hope and about the truth that enables hope. Here are some further thoughts about hope. What is hope? Hope is the antidote to despair. Hope is not a denial of reality. Hope is not wishful thinking. Hope transforms darkness to light In her book 'S...