10 Years of Blogging

Are personal blogs dead? Some people think so. This blog has been through several near death and resuscitation experiences, over the last 10 years. Yes, this month marks 10 years since I started my Seeker blog in May 2009. When I began, I had no idea what I was doing, not much idea of why I was doing it and no expectation of continuing beyond a few months. As someone committed to life-long learning, I enjoy learning new skills. There are some things you can only learn by doing, cycling, swimming, marrying, praying, growing old - to name a few. 10 years ago, learning how to set up and use a blog was both easier and harder than expected. Clicking 'publish' on that 1st post was a leap in the dark. I had no idea where it might take me. That 1st post had no image, was only 77 words long. I assumed it would be of no interest to anyone else. At that stage I simply wanted to lurk in the 'blogosphere' for a bit while I worked out how my blog would work. I wanted to master...