Stams Monastery

We've so ofte n seen it from the outside while travelling through the Inn valley in Austria. It's hard to miss the huge onion-domed towers of the monastery at Stams. The palace-like building dominates the landscape for miles around. Yesterday we took a bus down to Innsbruck and then a short train journey to the village of Stams. This place is also famous as the location of the schigymnasium , an international school specialising in ski-ing. But back to the monastery which we finally got to see inside. I felt the same about the great basilica in the monastery as I do about Blenheim Palace (more monument than family home). It is certainly impressive with some stunning works of art but not a place to inspire me to pray. In any case the only way to see it was as a guided tour and the scheduled tours that morning were all French language. This meant I had to give full attention to the guide who thankfully spoke French well with extremely clear diction. I would love to ...