James the Apostle

This early 17th century oil painting by Rubens show James the Apostle as a big strong man ready for action. Just look at the size of his hands and his firm grip on his staff. He is clearly a man used to hard physical work and there is something very determined about his facial expression. An ambitious man? A zealous man? Today 25 July is the festival of James the Apostle. He and his brother John were fishermen until Jesus called them to follow him. (See the post James, a son of thunder .) Did they get their nickname 'sons of thunder' because they had anger management problems? Or was it their father Zebedee that was the thunderous one? Or was it some other reason? The mother of James and his brother John wanted Jesus to give her sons special places of honour. As she knelt before him together with James and John and Jesus asked her, 'What do you want?' her request was boldly ambitious, "Declare that these two sons of mine will sit, one at your right hand ...