Advent: what are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? Much of life is spent waiting: Waiting in a check-out or check-in queue. Waiting for a delivery. Waiting for a response to a call, email or text. Waiting for a bus or train. Waiting for the car to be fixed. Waiting for someone to do what they promised. Waiting for someone to leave or someone to arrive. Waiting for justice. Waiting for pain to end, sickness to pass. Waiting for a war to be over. Waiting for an expected birth or death... You can go on. I won't. What are you waiting for? Waiting is a recurring theme in Advent, the four weeks of preparation before Christmas. Advent waiting is a particular sort of waiting. It may be silent or noisy, calm or exciting, but never passive. It isn't waiting for Christmas. It's more like looking forward and preparing for a guest. This guest has promised to come but doesn't say when. This Guest is so much more than an ordinary guest. This Guest comes in ordinary ...