Ascension Day 2020

Today is Ascension Day, a Christian celebration of Christ's ascension into heaven. Ascension is a mystery. In one sense Christ leaves this world. He is also given to us. Not confined to 1 place, Christ is in heaven at the heart of all things, accessible to all who seek him. Christ took our humanity into heaven. In the Ascension, Christ’s glory is both revealed and concealed. In a world where weapons, wealth, winning elections or controlling the media means power, it’s not surprising many see as ridiculous the Christian claim that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. We Christians claim that the most powerful are as nothing compared to the cosmic King Jesus. To celebrate Jesus’ Ascension is a daring act of faith. It’s audacious to claim that the son of a young Jewish girl, born more than 2,000 years ago and executed on a cross, is alive and now reigns over all. We’re not simply saying Jesus’ teaching influences us. We’re saying Jesus is both human and divine, seated...