Silence: a place to encounter God

My last post 'Hearing the Call to Freedom' was a story of how a young bird recognized a familiar call. It got me thinking again about hearing God's call, that can so easily be suppressed by the many voices competing for our attention. In a post I wrote some years ago, I wondered whether today's always-connected digital age prevents or helps people to hear from God? During the lockddown due to the current coronavirus pandemic, I sometimes feel more distracted than ever before by the images, sounds and words coming to me through my PC or smartphone. Do all those messages, tweets, shared music, news feeds and visual media add to a constant noise that stops me hearing God’s word? Do all those online services, zoom meetings, however good or well intentioned, amplify or mute that still small voice of God. A whisper of a word that I would hear if only I would stop for silence? I've found myself remembering the story about Elijah in I Kings 19 and how he e...