Taking time to appreciate simple things

Yesterday after some energetic gardening I made and ate a cucumber sandwich, using a cucumber from our garden. I ate this cucumber sandwich mindlessly while scrolling through messages on my smartphone. In retrospect I can say the cucumber sandwich was delicious, but I’m ashamed to say I failed to notice and appreciate it at the time. My mind was on other things. That is not a good way to eat. That is not how to enjoy the good things of life. That is not how to engender gratitude for the simple delights of everyday. It is the antithesis of living in the present moment. I had forgotten about that cucumber sandwich (which I had hardly noticed). This morning I remembered it when I read the 'iBenedictines' blog. There I found a timely reminder to take time to savour and be grateful for whatever is there in the present moment. It seems that 'Digitalnun' had also prepared and eaten a cucumber sandwich yesterday, but she had noticed and savoured its delight. When...