The Road to Emmaus: reflection for 3rd Sunday of Easter

Today I had hoped to be on holiday in France. The Covid-19 lockdown meant that was cancelled. It's disappointing, but I'm grateful to be in a safe home with someone I love. Lots of people are coping with lesser or greater disappointments just now. Many people’s disappointments are expressed in sentences that begin, ‘We had hoped’. ‘We had hoped to go on holiday today’. ‘We had hoped to get married this Easter’. ‘We had hope to get enough PPE.’ ‘We had hoped to be there when s/he died.’ ‘We had hoped for a funeral with all the family and friends.’ Today's Gospel reading ( Luke 24: 13 – 35 ) is about 2 of Jesus’ disappointed followers. Jesus, in whom they had hoped, had been crucified. Confusion and fear added to their grief. Jesus' tomb was empty, his body missing. Women told of angels who said Jesus is alive. Cleopas and his companion didn't know what to believe. Bruised by the shock of Friday’s Crucifixion and Sunday’s disturbing rumours, they retreated to...