
This poem by Brenda Marshall made me laugh last night. It's published in 'Nubs', The Dappled House 2004. The Sting Two queue. She said, "We'll wear our best: The stripy vest That's gold and dark With pointed pin. We must get in This ark." Oh, Noah, Victim of a con, If you'd been smart Wasps could be gone. Would the world be better without wasps? For people like me who have severe reactions to their sting, a wasp-free world sounds good. But would it be? According to entomologists, even wasps have a useful place in the ecosystem of which we are all a part. The many species of wasps control many other insect species including those that may devastate forests and food crops. Like their bee relatives some wasps are pollinators. OK - they have their place, but I still don't like them and would prefer them to stay away from my place. Image Credit: Flickr, CC License