Godbaby advert reactions

http://churchads.net/2012/index.html Some people find this advert shocking. The truly shocking thing about it is in the title 'Godbaby' - a brilliant use of a new compound word. It starkly states what Christians believe - that Jesus is both fully divine and fully human. And yes, that is a shocking idea. It's also good news that God communicates with us in a language even the youngest child can understand - in this case with the wordless cry of a new-born baby' The BBC has now noticed the Godbaby advert produced for Christmas 2012 by ChurchAds.net . The BBC said early today that it was produced by the Church of England, which is not the case. The annual Christmas campaign is produced by an ecumenical network, involving people across the churches of the UK, using the services of award winning advertising executives and designers who give their work free. I wrote a brief post Godbaby when the 2012 campaign was launched nearly a month ago. Now the advert is getti...