How good is your spelling? If you struggled learning to read and write in English or if English isn't your first language, you know how difficult it is to spell. Like its pronunciation, its spelling is inconsistent. Here's a few examples, but these are only the tip of the iceberg: There are some rules but these only work for some words, for example the 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' rule only applies to 11 words. Different sounds can be represented by the same letter or combination, for example 'ough' is pronounced at least 6 different ways, try 'cough', 'enough', 'nought', 'plough', borough', 'through'. Many English words are homophones i.e. some words sound the same but have different meanings differentiated by the spelling, e.g. 'tea'/'tee', 'gait'/'gate', 'made'/'made'. There are also many silent letters. For example: the 'k' is not...